Quad tree search list.cc

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// List.cc
// Jesse B. Dooley
// 28 May 1996

// template double linked List class

// The following overloaded operators are
// assumed for the L data type.
// <  less than
// >  greater than
// == equals
// << output stream
// >> input stream
// =  assignment

// List.cpp

#ifndef LIST_CPP
#define LIST_CPP

#include <iostream.h>  // UNIX

// prototype class
template <class L> class List;
// prototype input function

template <class L> istream& operator >> (istream&, List<L>&);
// prototype output function

template <class L> ostream& operator << (ostream&, List<L>& );

template<class L> class List {

   struct node {
      L ListData;
      node *next, *previous;

   node *first, *current, *last;

   unsigned int m_ulPopulation;
   unsigned int Counter_unsigned_int;

	friend istream& operator >> (istream &IS , List<L> &A);

	friend ostream& operator << (ostream &OS , List<L>& A );


	bool offEOL ()
	    return (current == NULL);
	} // offEOL

	bool push_front( L d )
		// case 1. List is empty
		if( empty() )
		    node *newnode = new node;

		    if (newnode == NULL)
		        return false;

		    newnode->next = NULL;
		    newnode->previous = NULL;
		    newnode->ListData = d;

			first = newnode;
			current = newnode;
			last = newnode;
			return true;

		// case 2. one or more nodes in the List

			if( first->ListData < d )
				return push_back( d );

		    node *newnode = new node;

		    if (newnode == NULL)
		        return false;

		    newnode->next = NULL;
		    newnode->previous = NULL;
		    newnode->ListData = d;

		    first->previous = newnode;
		    newnode->next = first;

		    current = newnode;
		    first = newnode;
			return true;

	} // push_front

	bool push_current( L d )
	// case 1. List is empty
		if( size() == 0 )
			return push_front( d );

		if( offEOL() )
			return push_back( d );

	// case 2. one node in List
		if( size() == 1 )
		// case 2.1 new node is less
			if( first->ListData > d )
				return push_front( d );

		// case 2.2 new node is greater
			if( first->ListData < d )
				return push_back( d );

	// case 3. two or more nodes. push BEFORE current

		if( current == NULL )
			return push_back( d );

	    node *newnode = new node;
	    if (newnode == NULL)
	        return 0;

		node *Prev = current->previous;

	    newnode->ListData = d;
	    newnode->next = current;
	    newnode->previous = Prev;

		Prev->next = newnode;
		current->previous = newnode;

	    return true;
	} //

	bool push_back( L d )
	// case 1. no nodes in the List.
		if( size() == 0 )
		    node *newnode = new node;
		    if (newnode == NULL)
		        return false;

		    newnode->next = NULL;
		    newnode->previous = NULL;
		    newnode->ListData = d;

		    first = newnode;
		    current = newnode;
		    last = newnode;
		    return true;

	// case 2. one node in the List
		if( size() >= 1 )
		    node *newnode = new node;
		    if (newnode == NULL)
		        return false;

		    newnode->next = NULL;
		    newnode->previous = last;
		    newnode->ListData = d;

		    last->next = newnode;

		    current = newnode;
		    last = newnode;
		    return true;
		return false;
	} // push_back

	bool pop_back()
	    if (last == NULL)
	        return false;

		if( last == first )
			delete last;
			first = NULL;
			current = NULL;
			last = NULL;
			return true;

	    current = last->previous;
	    current->next = NULL;
	    delete last;
	    last = current;

	    return true;

bool pop_front()
    if (first == NULL)
        return false;


    first = current->next;

    if (first != NULL)
        first->previous = NULL;

    if (last == current)
        last = NULL;

    delete current;


    return true;

	void begin()
	    current = first;

	void end()
	    current = last;

	void next()
	    if( current != NULL )
	       current = current->next;

	void previous ()
	    if( current != NULL )
	        current = current->previous;

	bool pop_current()
	    if(current == NULL)
	        return false;

		if( current == first )
			return pop_front();

		if( current == last )
			return pop_back();

	    current->previous->next = current->next;

	    current->next->previous = current->previous;

	    delete current;



	    return true;

	   first = current = last = NULL;
	   m_ulPopulation = 0;
	   Counter_unsigned_int = 0;

	List( const List<L> &P )
	// copy List P to List *this
	  if (P.first)  {
	    first = new node;
	    first->ListData = P.first->ListData;
	    first->next = NULL;
	    first->previous = NULL;
	    current = first;
	    node *currL = P.first->next;
	    while (currL)  {
	      current->next = new node;
	      current->previous = current;
	      current = current->next;
	      current->ListData = currL->ListData;
	      current->next = NULL;
	      currL = currL->next;
	    last = current;
	    first = NULL;
	    current = NULL;
	    last = NULL;
	    m_ulPopulation = P.m_ulPopulation;
	    Counter_unsigned_int = P.Counter_unsigned_int;

	// deletes and frees List nodes from first to last
	   while (first)
	      node *ptr = first;
	      first = first ->next;
	      delete ptr;
	   first = NULL;
	   last = NULL;
	   current = NULL;
	   m_ulPopulation = 0;

	List<L> operator = ( const List<L> &P )
	     if( P.first )
	         first = new node;
	         first->ListData = P.first->ListData;
	         first->next = NULL;
	         first->previous = NULL;
	         current = first;
	         node *currL = P.first->next;
	         while( currL )
	                current->next = new node;
	                current->previous = current;
	                current = current->next;
	                current->ListData = currL->ListData;
	                current->next = NULL;
	                currL = currL->next;
	        last = current;
	         first = NULL;
	         current = NULL;
	         last = NULL;
	     m_ulPopulation = P.m_ulPopulation;
	     Counter_unsigned_int = P.Counter_unsigned_int;

	     return *this;
	} // =

	List<L> operator += ( List<L> P )
		node *currL = P.first;
		while( currL )
			AddToList( currL->ListData );
			currL = currL->next;
		return *this;

	List<L> operator += ( L d)
	   if ( !find( d ) )
			AddToList( d );

	   return *this;

	int operator -= ( List<L> &D )
	    int hold_population = D.size();

	    while ( !D.offEOL() )
	           if( *this -= D.current->ListData)
	    return (hold_population == 0);

	bool operator -= ( L d )
	    if (find( d ))
	       if (current == first)
	               return pop_front();
	       else if (current == last)
	                   return pop_back();
	               return pop_current();
	    return false;

bool operator==( List<L>& List2 )
  unsigned int i_List1size = size();
  unsigned int i_List2size = List2.size();

  if (i_List1size != i_List2size)
      return 0;

  while( i_List1size >= 0 )
        L Temp1;
        L Temp2;
        if (Temp2 != Temp1)
           return 0;
  return true;

	bool AddToList( L d )
		if( find( d ) )
			return false;

		// d > first
		if( current == first )
			return push_front( d );

		if( offEOL() )
			return push_back( d );

		return push_current( d );

	unsigned int size()
//		if( Counter_unsigned_int > 0 &&
//			Counter_unsigned_int < m_ulPopulation )
//			Counter_unsigned_int++;
//		else
//			Counter_unsigned_int = 0;

	    return m_ulPopulation;

	void erase()
	    while( first )

	bool empty ()
	    return (first == NULL);

	bool find( L K )
		while ( current != NULL )
		    if ( current->ListData == K )
		       return true;
		    if ( current->ListData > K )
		        return false;

	    return false;
	} // find

	int findnum( const L &K )
	    int i_ReturnCount = 0;
	    node *p_Temp = NULL;
	    if ( !empty() )
	      while ( !offEOL() )
	            if ( current->ListData == K )
	               p_Temp = current;
	    current = p_Temp;
	    return i_ReturnCount;
	} // findnum

	L* getcurrent ()
	    if (current != NULL)
	        return &current->ListData;

	    return NULL;

	bool getcurrent ( L &d )
	    if (current != NULL)
	        d = current->ListData;
	        return true;
	    return false;

	int setcurrent ( L d )
	    if (current != NULL)
	        current->ListData = d;
	        return 1;
	    return 0;

	L* front ( )
	    if (first != NULL)
		    return &first->ListData;
			return NULL;

	L* back()
	    if (last != NULL)
	        return &last->ListData;

	    return NULL;

	void OutPut()
	    for( int i = 0; i < size(); i++ )


template <class L> istream& operator >> (istream &IS , List<L> &A)
   if( IS )
       L D;
       IS >> D;
       A += D;
    return IS;

template <class L> ostream& operator << (ostream &OS , List<L>& A )
    for( int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++ )
          OS << A.getcurrent();
    return OS;
#endif // LIST_CPP