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Assorted SQL Queries. If no SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, or MS-SQL Server, is specified, consider the query generic.
- Beginner SQL Tutorial[1]
- JOIN Statements[2][3]
- SS64 Command-Line references or Oracle and MS-SQL Server[4]
- 1 View - Read Only
- 2 Assorted
- 3 Aggregate List
- 4 Count Words in a CLOB
- 5 Using MAX as a Subquery
- 6 Users Running a Query
- 7 PERL
- 8 Foreign Keys
- 9 Time in Years
- 10 Query Wild Card
- 11 Grand Totals Across Multiple Columns
- 12 Rollup[5][6]
- 13 Social Security Number (Formatting)
- 14 Stored Procedures Fetch by User
- 15 Escape Character
- 16 Distinct
- 17 Stripping HTML from a CLOB
- 18 Partition By
- 19 String Functions
- 20 Converting CLOBs [7][8][9]
- 21 Variable Syntax
- 22 Time
- 23 Duplicates - Fetching Duplicate Entries
- 24 Select from a Subquery as a JOIN
- 25 Pseudo Tables[13]
- 26 DECODE[14]
- 27 List
- 28 ORDERY BY[15]
- 29 String Concatenate
- 30 Internal Links
View - Read Only
Adding a UNION ALL with a non-existent table to a view statement effectively makes that VIEW statement read-only because the non-existent table always fails to update.
-- This one fails every update create view SampleView as select ID, value from table union all select 0, '0' where 1=0
-- select the TEXT that defines a VIEW, owner_name and view_name are ALL CAPS SQL> select TEXT FROM DBA_VIEWS where OWNER = '<owner_name>' and VIEW_NAME = '<view_name>';
-- fetch column headers as name select utc.column_name from all_tab_columns utc where upper(utc.TABLE_NAME) = '<some name>' order by utc.COLUMN_ID
--Fetch row count for each table in a namespace select table_name, num_rows counter from dba_tables where owner = 'XXX' order by table_name;
Aggregate List
Use listagg to stitch together multiple results into one column.
In Sqlserver: SELECT FieldA , STUFF(( SELECT ','+ FieldB FROM TableName a WHERE b.FieldA = a.FieldA FOR XML PATH('')),1 ,1, '') Members FROM TableName b GROUP BY FieldA; In Mysql: SELECT FieldA, GROUP_CONCAT(FieldB) AS Members FROM TableName GROUP BY FieldA ORDER BY FieldA; In Oracle: SELECT FieldA, LISTAGG(FieldB, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY FieldA) AS Members FROM TableName GROUP BY FieldA;
Count Words in a CLOB
Use REGEXP_COUNT to count the word occurrences' in SAMPLE_TABLE.NOTE where the NOTE column is a CLOB datatype.
For example:
select REGEXP_COUNT( regexp_replace(NOTE,'<.*?>'), 'Addendum') as text_count from SAMPLE_TABLE
The REGEXP_REPLACE part also strips out HTML and XML code.
Using MAX as a Subquery
The MAX clause will select the highest value returned.
-- Fetches Patient's Last Diagnosis select listagg(diag.description,',') within group ( order by description) from Table where Table.ID = (select MAX(table2.id) from table2 where Table.id = table2.id)
Users Running a Query
- Find users running a query. Change p.status to what you want. Any user not listed is idle or not logged in.
SELECT p.spid, p.status, p.hostname, p.loginame, p.cpu, r.start_time, r.command, p.program_name, text FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS r, master.dbo.sysprocesses AS p CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(p.sql_handle) WHERE p.status NOT IN ('sleeping', 'background') AND r.session_id = p.spid
Execute a query that returns an unknown number of columns.
$sql_query = "select * from Table"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_query) or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr; while( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ){ foreach (@row) { $_ = "\t" if !defined($_); print "$_\t"; } print "\n"; } # end while
Foreign Keys
-- Finding Foreign Keys on a Table select (select COLUMN_NAME from dba_cons_columns where constraint_name = ac.CONSTRAINT_NAME) as 'Column_Name', ac.CONSTRAINT_NAME as 'Foreign_Key_Name', (select Table_Name from dba_cons_columns where constraint_name = ac.R_CONSTRAINT_NAME) as 'Foreign Table Name' , (select COLUMN_NAME from dba_cons_columns where constraint_name = ac.R_CONSTRAINT_NAME) as 'Foreign Column Name', ac.R_CONSTRAINT_NAME as 'Foreign Key' from all_constraints ac, where owner = 'DATABASE_OWNER' AND table_name = 'TABLE_NAME' AND constraint_type = 'R'
Time in Years
If you just want the difference in years, there's:
Or do you want fractional years as well?
SELECT (date1 - date2) / 365.242199 FROM mytable;
Query Wild Card
Pipe the % sign with the variable.
Grand Totals Across Multiple Columns
-- Produces Grand Totals across multiple columns select vsf.SALESMAN_NAME as Saleman_Name, to_char( vsf.SALE_DATE, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI' ) as Sale_Date, vsf.CUSTOMER_NAME as Customer_Name, vsf.SALE_ID as Sale_ID, vsf.SALE_TOTAL as Sale_Total, count( * ) as Sale_Count from V_SALE_FINDER vsf WHERE vsf.SALES_REGION_ID = US_SE group by vsf.SALESMAN_NAME, rollup (( to_char( vsf.SALE_DATE, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI' ), vsf.CUSTOMER_NAME, vsf.SALE_ID, vsf.SALE_TOTAL ))
ROLLUP works like GROUP BY, but produces subtotals for each sub-group and a grand total, add count() to get numbers.
The DECODE clause inserts 'subtotal' where it should go.
CASE GROUPING_ID (T.division_id ) WHEN 0 THEN T.division_id WHEN 1 THEN T.division_id || ' Sub Total: ' WHEN 3 THEN '{Grand Total}: ' ELSE NULL END as DIV_ID, count(*) as COUNT from TABLE T group by rollup (T.division_id) order by 1,2
Social Security Number (Formatting)
substr(p.ssn,1,3) || '-' || substr(p.ssn,4,2) || '-' || substr(p.ssn,6,4) as SSN, (leaves -- for null values.)
DECODE( SSN, null, null, substr(SSN,1,3)||'-'||substr(SSN,4,2)||'-'||substr(SSN,6,4)) as SSN, (leaves null when no ssn is found)
Stored Procedures Fetch by User
-- Find Stored Procedures
SELECT * FROM SYS.DBA_PROCEDURES where procedure_name is not null and owner = 'USER_NAME' order by procedure_name
-- Fetch Stored Procedure text
Escape Character
- Use single-quote ' for escape in a query. Example, "Salemans Notes: " for "Salesman's Notes: "
- Escape for ampersand. "Vial & Strength: " to "Vial ID '|| chr(38) ||' Strength: ". The chr(38) is the ampersand character.
The distinct clause can be used across the entire SELECT clause with out braces to remove duplicates.
Stripping HTML from a CLOB
Oracle's dbms_lob.substr has a hard coded 4000 character limit. It only reads the first 4000 characters from a CLOB. The work-around is to create a function that sequentially links consecutive 4000 VARCHAR(2) strings together until the CLOB is fully extracted.
-- strip new line \n, from CLOB -- \r, CR, CHR(13) -- \n, LF, CHR(10) dbms_lob.substr( regexp_replace(TABLE.CLOB_LOG, CHR(10), ' ') , 4000, 1 ) as LOG_column, -- Fetches a CLOB and effectively strips out all HTML tags, replacing them with spaces, BEFORE applying the 4000 character dbms_lob.substr function select dbms_lob.substr( regexp_replace( regexp_replace(NOTE, '<[^>]*>',' ' ) ,CHR(38)||'nbsp;',' ') , 4000, 1 ) from TABLE -- Fetches a CLOB and strips out all HTML tags. Replaces '<BR>' with carriage-return. select dbms_lob.substr( regexp_replace( regexp_replace( regexp_replace(note, '<BR>', CHR(13)) ,'<[^>]*>',' ' ) ,CHR(38)||'nbsp;',' ') , 4000, 1 ) from TABLE -- fetches the first date after "Sign" if the CLOB is < 4000 characters after stripping. select regexp_substr( regexp_substr( dbms_lob.substr( regexp_replace( regexp_replace(NOTE, '<[^>]*>',' ' ) ,CHR(38)||'nbsp;',' ') , 4000, 1 ) , 'Signed .+ ') , '\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{2}') from TABLE
Extract a Text String between Two Text Strings from a CLOB
-- fetches a char string from between 'STRING_ONE' and 'STRING_TWO' then strips out those tags. select regexp_replace( regexp_substr( dbms_lob.substr( regexp_replace( regexp_replace(note, '<[^>]*>',' ' ) ,CHR(38)||'nbsp;',' ') , 4000, 1 ) ,'STRING_ONE(.*?)STRING_TWO' ) , 'STRING_ONE|STRING_TWO') from TABLE
Partition By
The PARTITION BY clause sets the range of records that will be used for each "GROUP" within the OVER clause.
String Functions
Apostrophe - to match O'Conner correctly escape ' by inserting one next to it, so O'Conner becomes OConner.
PERL example:
double ' to so queries don't break
$var = "O'Conner";
$var=~ s/\'/\'\'/g;
print $var;
produces OConner
string match WHERE LIKE 'username'
Where (Z.column like '%X%' OR Z.column like '%Y%')
You can also use "IS NOT NULL" in an SQL statement. For example:
select * from suppliers where supplier_name IS NOT NULL;
Converting CLOBs [7][8][9]
select dbms_lob.substr( alert, 4000,1) from TABLE where UPPER( alert ) = 'PIF'
Converting BLOBs requires converting the binary stream to hex, then to characters.
Random Sample[10]:
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY dbms_random.value ) WHERE rownum <= 1000
Variable Syntax
create_date between :startdate and :enddate
PL/SQL Syntax
DOB_DATE BETWEEN to_date('07/01/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy') AND to_date('06/30/2012', 'mm/dd/yyyy')
Make sure to use YY year for trunc dates.
select count(*) from TABLE where input_code = '90658' and trunc(create_date) between to_date('01-Oct-12', 'dd-Mon-YY') and to_date('13-Nov-12', 'dd-Mon-YY')
Date as Character String
select to_char(sysdate, 'Dy DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as "Current Time" from dual;
Fetches: Thu 08-Nov-2012 09:37:18
Time Duration
select extract( day from numtodsinterval( start_date - CREATE_DATE, 'day' )) as d from TABLE order by 1 desc
- For time in minutes
select ( end_date - start_date ) * 1440 from table
Select for a Month
where to_char( DATE, 'Mon-YYYY') = 'Jul-2014'
TRUNC(date) returns the date with no time.
select trunc(sysdate) from dual
Fetches 08-NOV-12
select field1, field2 from table where trunc(date) = '26-SEP-2012'
Fetches all field1 and field2 for September 26, 2012.
-- Select exact date
select * from table where trunc(create_date) = to_date('11-DEC-2013','dd-MON-yyyy')
TO_DATE converts a character string to a date format given the format string.
SELECT TO_DATE(sysdate, 'YYYY/MM/DD') from dual;
Fetches '12-Nov-08'
Mon-YYYY Rollup
select DECODE( to_char(DATE, 'yyyy'),NULL, 'Grand Total',to_char(DATE, 'yyyy')) as "Year", to_char(DATE, 'Mon') as "Month", count(1) as total_scheduled from TABLE where trunc(DATE) between to_date('10-2013','mm/yyyy') and to_date('03-2014','mm/yyyy') group by rollup(to_char(DATE, 'yyyy'), to_char(DATE, 'Mon') ) order by 1,2 Produces 2013 dec 4545 2013 nov 7343 2013 oct 9263 2013 21151 2014 feb 8228 2014 jan 8449 2014 16677 Grand Total 37828
-- Gives subtotals for each weekday by column 2 - Note the single ( )
group by rollup(to_char( start_date, 'Dy'), trunc(start_date))
-- Gives one 'Grand Total' by column 2 - Note the extra ( )
group by rollup((to_char(start_date, 'Dy'), trunc(start_date)))
Select Between Dates
to_date(create_date, 'yyyy/MM/DD') > '2012/01/01'
Fetches records created after 2012/01/01.
to_char(date,'Mon-YYYY') = 'Sep-2012' --Set 'MON-YYYY' = 'SEP-2012' make them the same case.
Fetches records from September, 2012
where trunc( date) between to_date('26/sep/2012','dd/mon/yyyy') and to_date('26/sep/2012','dd/mon/yyyy')
This fetches all for 26-SEP-2012.
Between Date and Time
--Between Date and Time, TO_DATE version SELECT to_char(date, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi ') FROM encounter WHERE trunc( date ) BETWEEN TO_DATE('11.12.2006. 12:00', 'dd.mm.yyyy. hh24:mi') AND TO_DATE('11.12.2006. 18:00', 'dd.mm.yyyy. hh24:mi') OR trunc( date ) BETWEEN TO_DATE('11.12.2006. 12:00', 'dd.mm.yyyy. hh24:mi') AND TO_DATE('11.12.2006. 18:00', 'dd.mm.yyyy. hh24:mi') -- Between Date and Time, TO_CHAR version select to_char(date, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi') from TABLE where to_char(date,'hh24mi' ) between '1200' and '1800' and to_char(date,'dd-mon-yyyy') IN (select to_char(date, 'dd-mon-yyyy') from TABLE where to_char(date,'Mon-YYYY')='Jan-2012') -- Between Date and Time - Over a Month - TO_CHAR version select count(*) from TABLE where to_char( date,'hh24mi' ) between '1200' and '1800' and to_char(date,'dd-mon-yyyy') IN (select to_char(date, 'dd-mon-yyyy') from TABLE where to_char(date,'Mon-YYYY')='Sep-2011')
Time in Years
select patient_id, extract(YEAR from (SYSDATE - DATE_OF_BIRTH) YEAR TO MONTH) as age from TABLE -- Count people less than 18 years old SELECT count(*)> from TABLE where extract(YEAR from (SYSDATE - DATE_OF_BIRTH) YEAR TO MONTH)<18;
Duplicates - Fetching Duplicate Entries
select column_name, count(column_name) from table group by column_name having count (column_name) > 1;
Duplicates - Finding duplicates with an INNER JOIN
select o.filename, oc.dupeCount, o.fileid from files o inner join ( SELECT filename, COUNT(*) AS dupeCount FROM files GROUP BY filename HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) oc on o.filename = oc.filename
Select from a Subquery as a JOIN
-- select from a subquery as a join select t1.DATE, t1.ID as ID, t1.LAST_NAME as NAME, t1.DIVISION_NAME as DIVISION_NAME from TABLE1 t1, ( select DATE, ID, count( ID ) from TABLE2 t2 where trunc( DATE ) between :startdate and :enddate group by DATE, ID having count( ID ) > 1) dup_query where t1.DATE = dup_query.DATE and t1._ID = dup_query.ID order by 1,2;
Pseudo Tables[13]
Use the WITH clause to create a pseudo virtual table. Example below.
--Using WITH to create a pseudo table simplifies the main query WITH visit as (select * from table1 t1, table2 t2 where t1.id = t2.id and t1.check is not null and t1.status_text = 'Active')
Fetching an unknown use DECODE (x,y,z , 'unk') to avoid an exception.
x expression
y comparison
z what to do if a match
'unk' default
select * from table where ID IN (4,5,6)
By default, the ORDER BY Clause sorts data in ascending order. If you want to sort the data in descending order, you must explicitly specify it as shown below.
SELECT name, salary FROM employee ORDER BY name, salary DESC;
String Concatenate
--Concatenate results in a string with translation select wmsys.WM_CONCAT( CASE constraint_type WHEN 'P' THEN 'PK' WHEN 'R' THEN 'FK' ELSE END ) from all_constraints where constraint_name = 'NAME'
Multiple counts on the same line requires multiple select counts as below:
select (select count( table.id) from table where table.index_id IS NULL) Non_ID, (select count(t1.id) from table1 t1, table2 t2 where t2.id IS NULL and t1.id = t2.ID) Non_ID from dual
Internal Links
Parent Article: Databases