Visual Studio C++ Libraries CharString

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Visual Studio C++ Libraries CharString

Visual Studio CString with some added methods.


#ifndef _CHARSTRING_
#define _CHARSTRING_

#include <SDKDDKVer.h>
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;

#include <string>
#include <cstring>

#include <afxcoll.h>
#include <strsafe.h>

#pragma once
class CharString
	virtual ~CharString(void);
	static int Count_CString( CString input_cs, CString deliminator_cs );
	static bool IsDecimal( CString input_cs );
	static bool IsInteger( CString input_cs );
	static bool IsInteger( char* input_cs );
	static void Token_CString( CStringArray & ca, CString input_cs, CString deliminator_cs );
	static void Token_CString( CStringArray & ca, CString input_cs, int charcount_int );
	static char* CopyBuff( const char* const strA, const char* const strB );
	static char* CopyBuff (const char* const s);
	static bool FindBegin( char* buf, const char* const s);
	static bool FindBegin( const char* buf, const char* const s);
	static bool FindBegin( std::string buf, std::string s);
	static bool FindIBegin (const char* const buf,const char* const s);

	// tf: Return "true" for true, "false" for false.
   static char* bool_tf ( bool b);
   static bool streat (const char** buf, const char*  s);
   static bool streat ( char** buf, const char*  s);
   static bool strcaseeat (const char** buf,const char* const s);
   // Repeatedly Remove the trailing character
   static void RemoveTrailingSlash( CString input_cs );
   static CString PathNormalize( CString );
	CString this_cs;

#endif // _CHARSTRING_


#include "CharString.h"



int CharString::Count_CString( CString input_cs, CString deliminator_cs ) {

	if( input_cs.IsEmpty() || deliminator_cs.IsEmpty() )
		return -1;

	return input_cs.Replace( deliminator_cs, deliminator_cs);

bool CharString::IsDecimal( CString input_cs ) {
		// trim whitespace
	// length test, must have leading zeros
	if( input_cs.GetLength() == 0 )
		return false;

	double result_d = -1.0;
	char *stopstring = nullptr;
	CT2A ascii_num( input_cs ); // convert to a char string
	// strtol ignores whitespace front and back.
	// returns 0 if no conversion can be performed
	// returns LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN
	// in an alphanumeric string, stopstring points to
	//  the first non-number characters.
	result_d = strtod( ascii_num, &stopstring );
	int stopstring_len = strlen( stopstring );
	// If alphanumeric, return false
	if( stopstring_len > 0 )
		return false;

	return true;

bool CharString::IsInteger( CString input_cs ) {
	// trim whitespace
	// length test, must have leading zeros
	if( input_cs.GetLength() == 0 )
		return false;

	long result_l = -1;
	char *stopstring = nullptr;
	CT2A ascii_num( input_cs ); // convert to a char string
	// strtol ignores whitespace front and back.
	// returns 0 if no conversion can be performed
	// returns LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN
	// in an alphanumeric string, stopstring points to
	//  the first non-number characters.
	result_l = strtol( ascii_num, &stopstring, 10 );
	int stopstring_len = strlen( stopstring );
	// If alphanumeric, return false
	if( stopstring_len > 0 )
		return false;

	return true;

bool CharString::IsInteger( char* input_cs ) {
	CString str = CString( input_cs );
	return CharString::IsInteger( str );

void CharString::Token_CString( CStringArray & ca, CString input_cs, CString deliminator_cs ) {

	int index_int = 0;
	CString field;
	// Trim leading and trailing whitespace

	int replace_count = input_cs.Replace('\n',' ' );
	// Test if the input CString is empty
	if( input_cs.IsEmpty() ) {
	field = input_cs.Tokenize( deliminator_cs, index_int );
	while ( field.IsEmpty() == false )
		field = input_cs.Tokenize( deliminator_cs, index_int );
		if( field.IsEmpty() == false )

void CharString::Token_CString( CStringArray & ca, CString input_cs, int charcount_int ) {

	int index_int = 0;

	CString field;

	while ( index_int < input_cs.GetLength() )
		field = input_cs.Mid(index_int,charcount_int );
		index_int += charcount_int;

char* CharString::CopyBuff( const char* const strA, const char* const strB ){

	// test the pointers
	if( strA == nullptr || strB == nullptr )
		return nullptr;
	rsize_t  buffsize_size_t = strlen( strA ) + strlen( strB ) + 1;
	char* return_p = new char[ buffsize_size_t ];
	errno_t  copy_result;
	// First stage copy, 
	copy_result = strcpy_s( return_p, buffsize_size_t,  strA );
	if( copy_result != 0 ) { // copy failed
		delete[] return_p;
		return nullptr;
	// Second stage copy, 
	copy_result = strcat_s( return_p, buffsize_size_t, strB );
	if( copy_result != 0 ) {  // copy failed
		delete[] return_p;
		return nullptr;
	return return_p;
char* CharString::CopyBuff (const char* const s)
  size_t n=strlen(s)+1;
  char* const str=new char[n];
  return str;

bool CharString::FindBegin( char* buf, const char* const str2 ){

	std::string strA  = std::string( buf );
	std::string strB   = std::string( str2 );

	return CharString::FindBegin( strA, strB );
bool CharString::FindBegin( const char* buf, const char* const str2 ){

	std::string strA  = std::string( buf );
	std::string strB   = std::string( str2 );

	return CharString::FindBegin( strA, strB );

// buf starts with s, case insensitive
bool CharString::FindIBegin (const char* const buf,const char* const s)
  for (int i=0;s[i]!=0;i++)             // Loop through all characters in s.
    if (tolower(buf[i])!=tolower(s[i])) // Does this one match?
      return false;                     // No, return false if no match.
  return true;                          // Return true if all match.

bool CharString::FindBegin( std::string buf, std::string str2 ){

	std::size_t found = buf.find(str2);
	  if( found == 0 )
		  return true;

	return false;

char* CharString::bool_tf ( bool b) {
	return (b?"true":"false");
bool CharString::streat ( char** buf, const char*  s) {
  for (int i=0;s[i]!=0;i++)             // Loop through all characters in s.
    if ((*buf)[i]!=s[i])                // Does this one match?
      return false;                     // No, return false if no match.
	(*buf)+=strlen(s);                    // Increment source string if match.

	return true;                          // Return true if all match.

bool CharString::streat (const char** buf, const char*  s)
  for (int i=0;s[i]!=0;i++)             // Loop through all characters in s.
    if ((*buf)[i]!=s[i])                // Does this one match?
      return false;                     // No, return false if no match.
	(*buf)+=strlen(s);                    // Increment source string if match.

	return true;                          // Return true if all match.

bool CharString::strcaseeat (const char** buf,const char* const s)
  for (int i=0;s[i]!=0;i++)             // Loop through all characters in s.
    if (tolower((*buf)[i])!=tolower(s[i]))// Does this one match?
      return false;                     // No, return false if no match.
  (*buf)+=strlen(s);                    // Increment source string if match.
  return true;                          // Return true if all match.

void CharString::RemoveTrailingSlash( CString input_cs) {
	// Repeatedly strip trailing slashes
	while( '\\' == input_cs[ input_cs.GetLength() - 1 ] || '/' == input_cs[ input_cs.GetLength() - 1 ]) {
		input_cs.Delete( input_cs.GetLength() - 1 );

// Returns LONG_MAX if convertion failed.
// Returns signed long otherwise.
long CharString::ConvertLong( CString Int_cs ) {

	long result_l = -1;
	char *stopstring = nullptr;
	CT2A ascii_num( Int_cs ); // convert to a char string
	// strtol ignores whitespace front and back.
	// returns 0 if no conversion can be performed
	// returns LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN
	// in an alphanumeric string, stopstring points to
	//  the first non-number characters.
	result_l = strtol( ascii_num, &stopstring, 10 );
	int stopstring_len = strlen( stopstring );
	// If alphanumeric, return LONG_MAX
	if( stopstring_len > 0 )
		return LONG_MAX;
	return result_l;

// Returns DBL_MAX if convertion failed.
// Returns signed double otherwise.
double CharString::ConvertDouble( CString  Double_cs ) {
	double result_d = -1;
	char *stopstring = nullptr;
	CT2A ascii_num( Double_cs ); // convert to a char string
	// strtol ignores whitespace front and back.
	// returns 0 if no conversion can be performed
	// returns LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN
	// in an alphanumeric string, stopstring points to
	//  the first non-number characters.
	result_d = strtod( ascii_num, &stopstring );
	int stopstring_len = strlen( stopstring );
	// If alphanumeric, return LONG_MAX
	if( stopstring_len > 0 )
		return DBL_MAX;
	return result_d;

// Normalize the given path.
// Replace "//" with "/"
// Replace "/" with "\"
// Replace "\" with "\\"
CString CharString::PathNormalize( CString path_cs ) {
	CString Cpath;
	CString DoubleBackslash_cs = "\\";
	while ( path_cs.Replace("/", "\\") );

//	while ( path_cs.Replace("\\\\", @"\\" ) );

	return path_cs;

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