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"Using Complexity to Protect Elections" CACM November 2010

Sir, Please Step Away from the ASR-33!
by by Poul-Henning Kamp, p.56-57

Sir, Please Step Away from the ASR-33!

Main Idea: To move forward with programming languages we must first break free from the tyranny of ASCII.


  1. Bjarne Stroustrup[1] - C criticism
  2. Guido van Rossum[2] - Python syntax
  3. James Gosling[3] - C++ criticism
  4. John Ousterhout[4] - TCL
  5. Robert Pike[5] - JAVA criticism


  1. ALGOL
  2. APL
  3. Background color - Change it to apply an idea to the selected text.
  4. Color text - The same text with different colors have different meanings to the compiler/interpreter.
  5. Drop ASCII and LATIN1 for UNICODE.
  6. Glyphs - Why restrict an idea to one or three printable characters?
  7. Go (programming language) by Robert Pike.
  8. Having a teletypewriter customized for your programming language was the least of your worries.
  9. Multiple columns
  10. Syntax Designers, not programmers.
  11. Text box inserts


  1. Pike, R. Systems software research is irrelevant;[6]

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