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6.4 First-Order Linear Differential Equations

  • Solve a first-order linear differential equation
  • Use linear differential equations to solve applied problems

First-Order Linear Differential Equations

Definition 6.4.1 First-Order Linear Differential Equation

A first-order linear differential equation has the form

$$ y^{\prime }+P(x)y=Q(x) \text{ or }\frac{dy}{dx}+P(x)y=Q(x)$$

where \(P\) and \(Q\) are continuous functions for \(x\). This first-order linear differential equation is in standard form.
For example, the linear equation \(xy^{\prime }+y=2x\), where \(x \neq 0\), can be written as

\(xy^{\prime }+y\) \(=2x\) Original Equation
\(xy^{\prime }+y\) \(=(xy)^{\prime } \) The Product Rule gives us this identity.
\((xy)^{\prime }\) \(=2x\) Substituting the Product Rule identity.
\(y\) $$=x+\frac{C}{x} \:\:\:\: $$ Substituting the Product Rule identity and separating the variables.

It turns out that every first-order linear differential equation can be solved in a similar fashion by multiplying both sides by a suitable function \(u(x)\) called an integrating factor. When both sides are multiplied by the integrating factor the left-handed side, the \(y\) side, becomes the derivative for a product.

\(u(x)\) $$=e^{\int P(x)\:dx} $$ Integrating Factor
\(y\) $$=\frac{1}{u(x)}\int Q(x)u(x)\:dx $$ General Solution
\(y(x)\) $$= \frac{\int e^{P(x)dx}Q(x)dx+C}{e^{\int P(x)dx }} \:\:\:\: $$ General Solution: Not Reduced

Substituting the integrating factor into the definition produces.

$$ y^{\prime }e^{\int P(x)\:dx}+P(x)ye^{\int P(x)\:dx}=Q(x)e^{\int P(x)\:dx} $$

which reduces to

$$ \left [ ye^{\int P(x)\:dx} \right ]^{\prime }=Q(x)e^{\int P(x)\:dx}\:\:\:\:(1) $$

Take equation 1, integrate both sides, then divide by \(u(x)\) produces the general solution.

Example 6.4.1 Solving a Linear Differential Equation

Find the general solution for

$$ y^{\prime }+y=e^{x} $$

Solution For this equation, \(P(x)=1\) and \(Q(x)=e^{x}\). The integrating factor is

\( u(x)=e^{\int P(x)dx}=e^{\int dx}=e^{x} \:\:\:\: \)Drop \(C\) when integrating \(P(x)\).

This produces the general solution

\(y\) $$= \frac{1}{u(x)}\int Q(x)u(x)\:dx $$
$$ = \frac{1}{e^{x}}\int e^{x}(e^{x})\:dx$$
$$= e^{-x}(\frac{1}{2}e^{2x}+C) $$
$$y=\frac{1}{2}e^{x}+Ce^{-x} $$

Theorem 6.4.1 Solution for a First-Order Linear Differential Equation

An integrating factor for the first-order linear differential equation

$$ y^{\prime }+P(x)y=Q(x)$$


$$ u(x)=e^{\int P(x)\:dx} $$

The general solution is

$$ ye^{\int P(x)\:dx}=\int Q(x)e^{\int P(x)\:dx}\:dx+C $$

Example 6.4.2 Solving a First-Order Linear Differential Equation

Figure 6.4.1

Find the general solution for \(xy^{\prime }-2y=x^{2}\).
Solution The standard form is

$$ y^{\prime }+ \left (-\frac{2}{x} \right )y=x \:\:\:\: \color{red}{ \text{Standard Form }} $$

Substituting \(P(x)=-2/x\) produces

$$ \int P(x)dx = -\int \frac{2}{x}dx=-\ln\:x^{2} $$

integrating both sides with respect to \(x\) produces the integrating factor

$$ e^{\int P(x)\:dx} = e^{-\ln x^{2}} = \frac{1}{e^{\ln x^{2}}}=\frac{1}{x^{2}} \:\:\:\: \color{red}{ \text{Integrating Factor }} $$

Multiplying each side by \(1/x^{2}\) yields

$$\frac{y^{\prime }}{x^{2}}-\frac{2y}{x^{3}}$$ $$=\frac{1}{x} $$
$$ \frac{d}{dx}\left [\frac{y}{x^{2}} \right ] $$ $$=\frac{1}{x} $$
$$\frac{y}{x^{2}} $$ $$=\int \frac{1}{x}\:dx $$
$$\frac{y}{x^{2}} $$ $$=\ln\left |x \right |+C $$
\(y \) $$=x^{2}\left (\ln\left |x \right |+C \right )\:\:\:\: $$ General Solution

Figure 6.4.1 shows several solution curves for \(C = -2,\: -1,\: 0,\: 1,\: 2,\: 3, \text{ and } 4\).

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In most falling-body problems discussed so far air resistance has been neglected. In the Example 3 the air resistance on a falling object is assumed to be proportional to its velocity \(v\). If \(g\) is the gravitational constant, the downward force \(F\) on a falling object with mass \(m\) is given by the difference \(mg-kv\). If \(a\) is the object's acceleration, then by Newton’s Second Law of Motion[1],

$$ F=ma=m\frac{dv}{dt} $$

which yields the following differential equation.

$$ m\frac{dv}{dt}=mg-kv\:\Rightarrow \:\frac{dv}{dt}+\frac{kv}{m}=g $$

Example 6.4.3 A Falling Object with Air Resistance

An object with mass \(m\) is dropped from a hovering helicopter. The air resistance is proportional to the object's velocity. Find the object's velocity as a function for \(t\).
Solution The velocity \(v\) satisfies the equation
$$ \frac{dv}{dt}+\frac{kv}{m}=g.\:\:\:\: \color{red}{ g = \text{ gravitational constant, } k = \text{ proportionality constant }}$$ Let \(b=k/m\), then separate the variables to produce

\(dv\) \(= (g-bv)\:dt \)
$$ \int \frac{dv}{g-bv}$$ $$= \int dt$$
$$-\frac{1}{b}\ln\left | g-bv \right | $$ \(=t+C_{1} \)
\(\ln\left | g-bv \right | \) \(= -bt-bC_{1}\)
\(g-bv\) \(=Ce^{-bt}\) \(C=e^{-bC_{1}}\)

Because the object was dropper, \(v=0\) when \(t=0\); so \(g=C\), and it follows that

$$ -bv=-g+ge^{-bt}\rightarrow v=\frac{g-ge^{-bt}}{b}=\frac{mg}{k} \left (1-e^{-kt/m} \right ) $$

Electrical Circuits

Figure 6.4.2

An electric circuit has these properties electric current \(I\) (in amperes), a resistance \(R\) (in ohms), an inductance \(L\) (in henrys), and a constant electromotive force \(E\) (in volts), as shown in Figure 6.4.2. My notation uses \(A\) for amperes, \(R\) for resistance, and \(V\) for volts in describing Ohm's Law[2]. According to Kirchhoff’s Second Law[3], if the switch \(S\) is closed when time \(t=0\) in seconds, then the applied electromotive force (voltage) is equal to all the voltage in the circuit. This, in turn, means that the current \(I\) satisfies the differential equation

$$ L\frac{dI}{dt}+RI=E $$

Example 6.4.4 An Electric Circuit Problem

Find the current \(I\) as a function of time \(t\) (in seconds), given that \(I\) satisfies the differential equation \(L(dI/dt)+RI=\sin 2t\), where \(R\) and \(L\) are nonzero constants.
Solution The given linear equation in standard form is

$$ \frac{dI}{dt}+\frac{R}{L}I=\frac{1}{L}\sin 2t $$

Let \(P(t)=R/L\), then

\(e^{\int P(t)\:dt} \) \(= e^{(R/L)t} \)
$$Ie^{(R/L)t} $$ $$=\frac{1}{L}\int e^{(R/L)t}\sin 2t\:dt $$ by Theorem 6.4.1
$$Ie^{(R/L)t} $$ $$=\frac{1}{4L^{2}+R^{2}}e^{(R/L)t}(R\:\sin 2t-2L\:\cos 2t)+C $$
$$I$$ $$ = e^{-(R/L)t}\left [ \frac{1}{4L^{2}+R^{2}}e^{(R/L)t}(R\sin 2t-2L\cos2t)+C \right ] $$
$$= \frac{1}{4L^{2}+R^{2}}(R\sin 2t-2L\cos2t)+Ce^{-(R/L)t} $$ General Solution
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Example 6.4.5 A Chemical Mixture Problem

Figure 6.4.3

A solution with 90% water and 10% alcohol fills a 50 gallon tank. A second solution containing 50% water and 50% alcohol is added to the tank at 4 gallons per minute. As the second solution is being added, the tank is being drained at 5 gallons per minute, as shown in Figure 6.4.3. The solution in the tank is stirred constantly. How much alcohol is in the tank after 10 minutes?
SolutionLet \(y\), measured in gallons, be the alcohol in that tank at any time \(t\), measured in minutes. At \(t=0\), \(y=5\). Because \(50-t\) is the gallons in the tank at any time and the tank loses 5 gallons per minute, it must lose

$$ \left ( \frac{5}{50-t} \right )y $$

gallons in alcohol per minute. The tank also gains alcohol at two gallons per minute, therefore the alcohol in the tank changes with the rate

$$\frac{dy}{dt}=2 - \left ( \frac{5}{50-t} \right )y \rightarrow \frac{dy}{dt} + \left ( \frac{5}{50-t} \right )y = 2 $$


$$P(t)= \frac{5}{50-t}$$
$$\int P(t)\:dt $$ $$= \int \frac{5}{50-t} \:dt=-5 \ln \left | 50-t \right |$$
\(e^{\int P(t)\:dt} \) $$=e^{-5\ln(50-t)}= \frac{1}{(50-t)^{5}} $$ Because \(t<50\) the absolute value signs can be dropped

Plug this in and integrate to find the general solution

$$\frac{y}{(50-t)^{5}}$$ $$ =\int \frac{2}{(50-t)^{5}}\:dt$$
$$\frac{y}{(50-t)^{5}} $$ $$= \frac{1}{2(50-t)^{4}}+C $$
\(y\) $$=\frac{50-t}{2}+C(50-t)^{5} $$

Use \(y=5\) when \(t=0\) to find \(C\)

\(5\) $$=\frac{50}{2}+C(50)^{5} $$
$$ -\frac{20}{50^{5}}$$ \(= C\)
\(y\) $$=\frac{50-t}{2}-20\left (\frac{50-t}{50} \right )^{5} $$ General Solution

When t=10, the alcohol in the tank is

$$y=\frac{50-10}{2}-20\left (\frac{50-10}{50} \right )^{5}\approx 13.45\: gallons$$

which represents a solution containing 33.6% alcohol.

Example 6.4.6 General Solution for a Trigonometric ODE


$$\frac{dy}{dx}\cos^{2} x+y-1=0,\:\: y(0) = 5$$

Solution Solve for \(\frac{dy(x)}{dx}\) by separating out \( \cos^{2} x\). Then solve for \(y(x)\). Then solve for \(C\) and substitute back in the solution for \(C\) to obtain the general solution.

$$y(x)+\cos^{2}x\frac{dy(x)}{dx}-1$$ \( = 0\) Separate out \(y(x)\)
$$ \frac{dy(x)}{dx} $$ \(-(y(x)-1)\sec^{2}x))\) Since \(\cos x=\frac{1}{sec x}\)
$$\frac{dy(x)}{dx}$$ \(=(-y(x)+1)\sec^{2}x\) Simplify
$$ \frac{\frac{dy(x)}{dx}}{-y(x)+1} $$ \(=\int \sec^{2}x\) Divide both sides by \(-y(x)+1\)
$$ \int \frac{\frac{dy(x)}{dx}}{-y(x)+1}dx $$ $$=\int \sec^{2}x\:dx $$ Integrate both sides with respect to \(x\)
$$-\log (-y(x)+1) $$ \(=C_{1}+\tan x\) Evaluate the integrals where \(C_{1}\) is an arbitrary constant
\(y(x) \) \(=-e^{-C_{1}-\tan x}+1 \) Solve for \(y(x)\)
\(y(x) \) $$=\frac{C_{1}}{e^{\tan x}}+1 $$ Simplify the arbitrary constants
\(C_{1}+1\) \(=5\) Solve for \(C_{1}\) by substituting \(y(0) = 5\)
\(C_{1}\) \(=4\) Solve the equation.
\(y(x)\) $$=\frac{4}{e^{\tan x}}+1 $$ Substitute \(C_{1}=4\) into the equation.
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