Calculus III Advanced (Course) (13.7) (Homework)

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Section 13.7 Homework

From Calculus 10e by Larson and Edwards, p. 933. Exercises 10, 18, 24, 42.

Exercise 13.7.10 Finding an Equation for a Tangent Plane

Find an equation for the tangent plane to the surface at the given point.

$$f(x,y)= \frac{y}{x}, \: (1,2,2) $$
Figure 1

Solution Write the surface as

$$g(x,y,z) = \frac{y}{x}- z = 0. $$
\( g(x,y,z) = \frac{y}{x} - z\)
\( f_{x}(x,y,z) =- \frac{y}{x^{2}} \)
\( f_{y}(x,y,z) = \frac{1}{x} \)
\( f_{z}(x,y,z) = -1 \)

At the point \((1,2,2)\) the partial derivatives are

\( f_{x}(1,2,2) =- \frac{2}{1^{2}} = -2 \)
\( f_{y}(1,2,2) = \frac{1}{x} = 1 \)
\( f_{z}(1,2,2) = -1 \)

An equation for the tangent plan at \((1,2,2)\) is

\( 0 \) \(= f_{x}(1,2,2)(x-1) + f_{y}(1,2,2)(y-2) + f_{z}(1,2,2)(z-2)\)
\(= -2(x-1) + (1)(y-2)+ (-1)(z-2)\)
\(= -2x+2 +y-2-z+2 \)
\(= -2x+y-z +2 \)
\( 2x-y+z =2\)

Exercise 13.7.18 Finding an Equation for a Tangent Plane

Find an equation for the tangent plane to the surface at the given point.

\( x^{2} +2z^{2} = y^{2} , \: (1,3,-2) \)

Solution Rewrite the equation as

\( g(x,y,z) = x^{2} -y^{2}+2z^{2} = 0 \)
\( g_{x}(x,y,z) = 2x \)
\( g_{y}(x,y,z) = -2y \)
\( g_{z}(x,y,z) = 4z \)

at \((1,3,-2)\)

\( g_{x}(1,3,-2) = 2 \)
\( g_{y}(1,3,-2) = -6 \)
\( g_{z}(1,3,-2) = -8 \)
0 \(= 2(x-1) + (-6)(y-3)+ (-8)(z+2) \)
\(= 2x-2-6y+18-8z-16\)
\(=x-3y-4z \)

Exercise 13.7.24 Finding an Equation of a Tangent Plane and a Normal Line

Find an equation for the tangent plane and find symmetric equations for the normal line to the surface at the given point.

\( z = 16-x^{2}-y^{2}, \: (2,2,8)\)

Solution Taking partial derivatives from the given equation produces

\( f_{x}(x,y) = -2x \)
\( f_{y}(x,y) = -2y \)
\( f_{x}(2,2) = -4 \)
\( f_{y}(2,2) = -4 \)

The equation is

\( 0 = -4(x-2) -4(y-2) -(z-8) \)
\( 0 = -4x-4y-z +24 .\)

The parametric equation is

$$ \frac{x-2}{4} = \frac{y-2}{4} = \frac{z-8}{1}. $$

Exercise 13.7.42 Horizontal Tangent Plane

Find the point(s) on the surface at which the tangent plane is horizontal.

\( z = 3x^{2} + 2y^{2} -3x + 4y -5 \)
Figure 2

Solution Compute \(z_{x}\) and \(z_{y}\), then solve the system.

\(z_{x}\) \(= 6x-3\)
\(z_{y}\) \(= 4y+4 \)

Which produces the equations

\(\left\{\begin{matrix} 6x-3 &=0 \\ 4y+4& =0 \end{matrix}\right.,\)

which solves to \(x=1/2\) and \(y=-1\). Plug this into \(z\),

\(z(1/2,-1) = -43/4 \)
\( (1/2,-1,-43/4)\)

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