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// BadAxisException.cc


#include "TemasBase.h"

#include <exception.h>
#include <exception>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class BadAxisException : public exception
	string Error_string;


	BadAxisException( const BadAxisException &B )
		Error_string = B.Error_string;


	BadAxisException( string S )
		Error_string = S;

	virtual const char* what()
		return Error_string.data();

    void test( int Axis_float ) throw (BadAxisException)
		if( Axis_float > MaxAxis )
			string S = "BadAxisException: The axis is more than ";
			S += "1024";
			S += "\n";
			throw BadAxisException( S );
		} // if

		if( Axis_float < MinAxis )
			string T = "BadAxisException: The axis is less than ";
			T += "0";
			T += "\n";
			throw BadAxisException( T );
		} // if
	} // test
#endif // BadAxisException